An introduction to RSDFoam

RSDFoam is a solver for Real gas Shock and Detonation simulation based on OpenFOAM. The present solver was based on the reactive Euler equations. It has considered the nonidealities in the equation of state, thermodynamic functions and mass action law brought about by the interaction between the fluid particles and by their finite volume.


RSDFoam was a connection between Cantera and blastFoam. A number of real gas models based on cubic equation of state were implemented by the authors in Cantera 2.4. The solver also utilize the the efficient chemistry solver (CVODE) and flexible input formats in Cantera. BlastFoam offers a number of CFD capabilities including high-order flux evaluation, time integration, etc.

Inheritance diagram for implementing real gas models in Cantera. Dashed arrow denotes an instance, indicated onto the dashed line, is created in the class pointed at.
Inheritance diagram for classes used in the connection between blastFoam and Cantera. Dashed arrow denotes an instance, indicated onto the dashed line, is created in the class pointed at.


RSDFoam has been thoroughly validated against analytical solutions, previous numerical simulation results and experimental data. The satisfactory agreement demonstrates the accuracy and robustness of the solver for real gas based shock and detonation simulation.

shock tube problem

Analytical and numerical solutions of Sod shock tube problem at 0.05 s.

Oblique shock

The oblique shock wave angle and deflection angle relation calculated for IG gas and RK gas.

Constant volume reactor

Ignition delay time of stoichiometric (a) H_{2}-air and (b) DME-O2 mixtures calculated with IG and RK EoS. The second row shows the relative differences of IDT obtained with IG and RK EoS.

Detonation speed

Comparison of steady detonation speed calculated with CJ theory and RSDFoam, and measured by Bauer et al [1].

Reaction zone structure of steady planar detonation

Flow structure of detonations obtained with 1D unsteady simulation and the ZND theory.

Pulsating detonation

Shock pressure of pulsating detonation. Four mesh sizes were used for the convergence study.

2D Cellular detonation

Numerical soot foils obtained with (a) IG EoS and (b) NA EoS.

To use the solver

Source codes and demos are available upon reasonable request.

Please cite our papers if you use this solver for your research

  title = {Implementation of an  Solver for Shock and Detonation Simulation at High Pressure},
  author = {Weng, Zifeng and M{\'e}vel, R{\'e}my},
  year = {2023},
  journal = {Computers \& Fluids},
  pages = {106012},
  doi = {10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.106012}

Previous works using this solver

[1] Zifeng Weng, Rémy Mével. An OpenFOAM Solver for Shock and Detonation Simulation in Real Gas. The 29th ICDERS. At: Siheung, South Korea (2023).
[2] Zifeng Weng, Rémy Mével. Implementation of an OpenFOAM solver for shock and detonation simulation at high pressure.  Computers & Fluids 265, 106012 (2023).
[3] Zifeng Weng, Rémy Mével. Linear and non-linear stability of gaseous detonation at elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame 262, 113361 (2024).
[4] Zifeng Weng, Rémy Mével. Dynamics of detonation cellular structure in linear and nonlinear instability regimes. (under reviewed)


[1] R.G. Schmitt, and P.B. Butler, “Detonation Properties of Gases at Elevated Initial Pressures,” Combustion Science and Technology 106(1–3), 167–191 (1995).